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Emergency Plan

Lightening Strike

We consider Emergency Planning to be essential. An emergency may be for example a long period of freezing weather, or a sudden and damaging summer storm. There may also be occasions in the future when we have a severe fuel shortage. A major loss of services to the Parish or neighbouring areas may result. If the occurrence is serious then there will be immediate help from the emergency services, authorities and utilities. However, local knowledge and help will undoubtedly be sought. In addition, if there are situations in which the emergency services are not immediately on hand we will be able to initiate our plan and mobilise volunteers until emergency services can reach us. In such cases the parish would be dependant upon the resources from within and the self-help provided by the residents. The likelihood of an emergency or serious loss of services is slim, but the parish has recognised the need to plan 'just in case'.


We therefore have in place an Emergency Response Plan that enables us to utilise volunteers and resources from within the community of our two villages and one Parish, and to operate and communicate in a safe and effective manner rather than trying to make it up at the time.

The plan available here is an outline version. We wish to thank all the volunteers who put forward their names, their skills and their resources for the benefit of the community. We have included all who responded, and we've listed the skills and resources mentioned by them. Please be aware that you may well be called upon. It is the complete plan (not available publically) that contains all necessary details and contacts for our volunteers; it is are held in confidence and securely by the emergency services, the Parish Council, and St Edmundsbury Borough Council.

Should any volunteer wish to know more about their possible role, or if anybody else wants to volunteer skills and resources, please contact the Parish Council through the Clerk.